My Housewife Story

I figured I might as well give some background on "my housewife story", especially after my first post didn't tell ya'll much. 

My husband and I were married just over a month ago, after only being engaged for about two months. Talk about a whirlwind trying to get everything together in time for the wedding! It was a pretty crazy two months, but everything ended up coming together nicely for us to have a small but absolutely beautiful wedding and reception. We had so much support (financially, emotionally, mentally) from family and friends that it is still an overwhelming feeling to realize just how many people care about us. 

Anyways, three days after getting married, we packed everything we could into my station wagon, and headed east. We spent two weeks driving (short driving days mostly, and some sight seeing along the way) across the country, and landed in the midwest, where we now reside. It is quite a change from Oregon... I am no longer able to look out my window and see mountains, and the coast is much more than an hour away. But I really love it out here.

I digress, we decided that it would work well for me to be a stay at home housewife, so long as we can afford it. I was happy with that decision. What I didn't realize though, was the struggle I would face to get into my housewife groove. So, I started asking myself why I want to be a housewife, and hopefully in the future a stay at home mom...and how to do that.

This is all totally new to home, new marriage, new (different) responsibilities. I decided to start this blog to bring you along with me on this journey of discovering my niche in the housewife life, as I figure out how to really keep a house clean, embarking on craft adventures, and new sewing challenges, I hope to learn a lot and be able to share the newfound wisdom with the world.

Fun fact: This is one of my favorite pictures from Oregon...up near Multnomah falls. :)


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