Bathtub Cleaning Hack!

Recently, I came across what I believe to be a total game changer in the realm of homemaking! This bathtub cleaning hack has completely changed the way in which I feel about cleaning my bathroom!

We have a fairly large house, with three bathrooms...that ends up being a lot of cleaning. Unfortunately, what am I not a fan of? Cleaning. Especially bathrooms. Sometimes it feels like it is all I can do to keep my dishes cleaned, laundry halfway folded, and living room occasionally dusted. But the bathroom hack? It actually has me...dare I say it...looking forward to bathroom cleaning day!

I previously wrote a post about how I clean my bathroom in the most effective way possible. Even more recently though, my bathroom cleaning routine has changed...for the better. I am using less harsh chemicals and a more streamlined approach to cleaning. The details will be coming in a later post.

Alright, here is the moment you have all been waiting for....the HACK!

Cleaning the bathtub (or shower...or both) with a broom!

Any broom...although, I use one specifically dedicated to the bathtub. You can even get a very inexpensive broom from a dollar store. I don't recommend using the same broom that you use on your kitchen floor as you use on your bathtub. I guess you could, but it just seems kind of gross to me. Anyways, I digress, use whatever bathroom cleaning solution you prefer, spray it in the tub. Give it some dwell time. That is important. Then, just like you would give your bathtub a good scrub down with a sponge or brush, use your broom to scrub the tub. This works very well for reaching the tops of showers and harder to reach areas.

With this hack, you will never have to get down on your hands and knees to scrub the tub again! It goes a long way towards preventing cleaning related back pain!

What kind of tub/tile cleaner do you use?

My favorite is a 50/50 mixture of Dawn dish soap and white vinegar. It works fantastic for getting rid of soap scum. One thing to consider when using this combo though, is if you have a septic system, I have been cautioned against overloading the system with too much dish soap at one time.

What are your thoughts? Have you tried this method? Let me know what you think! I would love to hear from you down in the comments!


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