What is Homemaking?

Hello there!

In today's post I really want to focus on one question: What is homemaking?

I think that in our modern society, homemaking has really started to take on a negative connotation.
And I think that is very unfortunate. Nowadays when people think of homemakers, they think of housewives, of women who are confined to the home, lazy, not meeting their full potential. Or they think of overly kitchy 1950's housewives in retro attire. I think that both of these assumptions, or views of homemaking in general are false. Now, are there some lazy housewives who don't keep up their homes? Sure. And are there stereotypical 1950's housewives around? Yeah. But I don't believe that makes of the majority of modern day homemakers.

According to Dictionary.com, homemaking is defined as the creation and management of a home, especially as a pleasant place in which to live. I think this is a beautiful definition of what I try to achieve as a homemaker. I also think that it would be lovely if this was how society saw homemakers!

When I got married, and it became common knowledge that I would be staying at home rather than pursuing a career, I had people tell me that they were concerned about me. That they were worried that I would not be reaching my full potential if I didn't finish my college degree, and if I didn't pursue a worthy career outside the home. And to be honest, it made me really self conscious of my decision. Was I doing the right thing? What if this was a mistake? What if they were right and I was wasting my life?

It took me a long time to get past these questions swirling through my mind. Far too long actually.

I want to say this: being a housewife/homemaker is NOT a waste of my or any other woman's potential. I really feel that it is a way to reach our FULL potential. Not the only way, but I think it is definitely a great way to reach our full potential. I have many reasons for this, which I won't go into detail here in this post-- for now, I will focus on our main question at hand: What is a homemaker?

As a homemaker, I have many day to day responsibilities. Some of which are laundry, keeping the house clean, raising our toddler, cooking, meal planning, grocery shopping, and many many more. Though these are some of the things that I do, they do not define me or my vocation. They simply work to serve they bigger picture. Homemaking. Quite literally, making a home for my family. Creating a well rounded environment for my children to grow up and learn in, and making a cozy place for my husband to put his feet up at the end of the day, a place where we can be content and enjoy our time together. A lot of my vocation as homemaker also involves home management tasks such as budgeting and paying bills-- but I don't do that alone. My husband, as the head of household, takes the lead and primary responsibility. We work together.

I think that being a homemaker-- because not everyone is able to pursue this vocation-- is one of the greatest blessings in my life. (I may not always see it that way when I am scrubbing toilets or putting off folding laundry.) One of the best highlights of my day is when I get to be home to greet my husband at the door when he comes home from work. I am blessed to be able to put a hot meal on the table for him at dinner time, and to be able to spend quality time with him in our HOME that I work hard to maintain.

Homemaking is hard work. It really is. But it is some of the most rewarding work I have ever had the privilege of doing. I may not always love all of the nitty gritty details of it, and I certainly am not the best at homemaking, but at the end of the day, I am so blessed. I am not suppressed, I am not denied the things I enjoy, I am not a slave. My husband respects me, cares about me, and listens to me. And for that I am thankful.

I invite you to join me on my journey of becoming a better homemaker, learning the art of femininity, and becoming a better woman.

I would love to hear from you! Comment down below what homemaking means to you!


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