
Showing posts from October, 2016

Hello, Once again...

Hello, once again, everybody... As you can tell, I have not been active at all in about a month. Sheesh! That is such a long time. Unfortunately, it has been outside of my control, because, I have had mono. Bleh. It's been super terrible, and I haven't left my house for a long time, spent an entire week in bed. And in case I haven't explained this about myself, I am a very busy person. Like, just my personality is to stay busy constantly and just go go go go go. Well, anyways, I thought I would give you all a sneak peak as to what is coming up in these next few weeks...if anybody is interested. I am going to be making brownies from scratch for the first time (But first I have to clean my kitchen since no one has been doing that with me being sick...and its super dirty), and I have a few other ideas up my sleeve, but I am interested to know what any of you out there would be interested in seeing as far as maybe tutorials, or "life hack testing", or pinterest tes...