
Showing posts from 2016

Hello, Once again...

Hello, once again, everybody... As you can tell, I have not been active at all in about a month. Sheesh! That is such a long time. Unfortunately, it has been outside of my control, because, I have had mono. Bleh. It's been super terrible, and I haven't left my house for a long time, spent an entire week in bed. And in case I haven't explained this about myself, I am a very busy person. Like, just my personality is to stay busy constantly and just go go go go go. Well, anyways, I thought I would give you all a sneak peak as to what is coming up in these next few weeks...if anybody is interested. I am going to be making brownies from scratch for the first time (But first I have to clean my kitchen since no one has been doing that with me being sick...and its super dirty), and I have a few other ideas up my sleeve, but I am interested to know what any of you out there would be interested in seeing as far as maybe tutorials, or "life hack testing", or pinterest tes...

Adventures In Sewing Part 1

Hello once again friends! A few months back, I found a SUPER good deal on a pair of jeans (like 75% name brand type of good deal)! And, like any budget wise beauty, I tried them on before buying them, even though I was certain that they would be my size. Well, unfortunately they fit GREAT...except for the fact that they were almost four inches too long. I was heartbroken. But, I decided to go ahead and purchase them anyways, I could always hem them, riiiiight? Well, flash forward a couple of months and I am still struggling with the significantly too long jeans. Now that we have moved-- yes, I did indeed drag these unhemmed pants halfway across the country-- and I finally have my sewing machine set up (Hurray!), I can finally conquer this (what should be pretty simple) straightforward task of hemming my pants. Fun fact #1: I have never hemmed anything before, so we shall see how this goes. On a side note, I do have sewing experience, but it is primarily in sport related four way...

Already Falling Behind...

Already Falling Behind...  Shoot dang! I have hardly had this blog for a week (if that even) and I am already falling behind on posts. I have to admit, I am at least somewhat disappointed...I had (and still have) great intentions and grand plans for this blog. You know the old "Night before Christmas" with the line that goes "visions of sugarplums danced in their heads"? Well, that is how I feel about this blog. I have many ideas for cooking, baking, cleaning, organizing, crafting, sewing, you name it! So many adventures of house-wifing we will have with this blog :)     Meanwhile, in this last week, I got a job! So, I guess I am no longer a full time housewife, but we really need the additional income, plus, it isn't that bad, just a part time gig doing customer service :) Today was my first day, and I had to be up at 4am to get ready for work. Don't get me wrong, I am not complaining (although I will definitely be going to bed earlier tonight). In f...
My Housewife Story I figured I might as well give some background on "my housewife story", especially after my first post didn't tell ya'll much.  My husband and I were married just over a month ago, after only being engaged for about two months. Talk about a whirlwind trying to get everything together in time for the wedding! It was a pretty crazy two months, but everything ended up coming together nicely for us to have a small but absolutely beautiful wedding and reception. We had so much support (financially, emotionally, mentally) from family and friends that it is still an overwhelming feeling to realize just how many people care about us.  Anyways, three days after getting married, we packed everything we could into my station wagon, and headed east. We spent two weeks driving (short driving days mostly, and some sight seeing along the way) across the country, and landed in the midwest, where we now reside. It is quite a change from Oregon... I am no ...

Housewife: What does it mean?

Housewife: What does it mean?          In today's society, who wants to be a housewife? Why would anyone in their right mind have a desire to stay at home and do housewife-ish things? I mean, with all of the opportunities that women have today in terms of careers, education, athletics, you name it. Feminism has come a long way, which is great! Unfortunately, it seems like society doesn't just allow us to have these opportunities-- I feel in a lot of ways, that it shoves these "opportunities" down our throats. Don't get me wrong, I am very happy that should I choose, I could be just about anything I want to be. I can chase my dreams. But, what our society seems to do is to send the message to young women that women in the past worked hard for us to have these opportunities, and that we are belittling their hard work if we don't jump at these opportunities for time consuming careers, or doctoral degrees in just about anything we can imagine. What society doesn...